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Bend Furnace Repair THRIVE In The Great Indoors

Bend Furnace Repair

Furnace Repair & 15年以上的卓越服务支持维护

当您的炉子出现故障时,您需要一队可靠的暖通空调技术人员在您身边. At Pyramid Heating & Cooling, your comfort and safety are our priorities. Since opening our doors 15+ years ago, 我们一直自豪地提供最可靠的供暖服务. From routine maintenance to major furnace repairs, our team has got you covered.

With Pyramid Heating & Cooling on your side, you can enjoy:

当你可以拥有最好的暖通空调公司时,不要满足于任何暖通空调公司. Choose Pyramid Heating & 知道你的家在那里的最合格的技术人员的手中,冷却和休息轻松.

Schedule furnace repair in Bend by calling (503) 783-8488or contacting us onlinetoday!

Signs You Need a Furnace Repair in Bend

如果你的炉不完全工作的方式,它应该是,转向金字塔加热 & Cooling. 我们的暖通空调技术人员在这里确保您的供暖和制冷设备正常工作,并确保您的家人舒适.


  • Your furnace is blowing cold air
  • Some rooms are much warmer than others
  • Your airflow is very weak
  • 你的取暖费出乎意料地上涨了
  • Your furnace isn’t turning on automatically
  • Your furnace is making loud, unusual noises
  • 从你的空气记录器发出的空气闻起来很难闻
  • It smells like your system is burning
  • Your pilot light is flickering or yellow
  • 你的炉子全天不停地循环开关

Common Furnace Repairs

In our 15+ years of experience, Pyramid Heating & 冷却几乎遇到了太阳底下所有的熔炉问题. 在提供高效和有效的维修之前,我们擅长准确地排除和诊断问题.


  • Clogged filters
  • Loose electrical connections
  • Pilot control problems
  • Malfunctioning thermostats
  • Broken blower fans
  • Cracked heat exchangers
  • Slipped or frayed blower belts
  • Yellow or flickering pilot lights
  • Worn out ball bearings
  • Clogged condensation pipes


How to Prevent Furnace Repairs

你知不知道熔炉过早失效的主要原因是缺乏适当的维护? Much like your car, 你的炉子需要由合格的专业人员定期检查和调整,以便正常运行. During a maintenance appointment, 您可以期望技术人员检查系统的每个组件, run a full safety and performance test, make any necessary adjustments, clean dirty parts, lubricate motor components, and more. 这些维护预约应该安排在每年秋天,以确保你的系统准备好让你的家人在冬天保持温暖.


  • Changing your air filter every 1-3 months
  • Keeping flammable objects away from your furnace
  • Keeping your air registers open
  • Clearing away any objects blocking the furnace
  • 一旦怀疑出了问题,就安排维修


Furnace Repair Vs. Replacement

When your furnace breaks down, you're left with one of two options, 你可以选择修理炉子,也可以直接更换炉子. 虽然维修似乎是更经济有效的解决方案, 在以下情况下,它实际上更昂贵.

  • Your unit is too old - 熔炉的寿命通常在20年左右,有时甚至更长. 但是,如果你的机器已经使用了20年以上,而且它正在发生故障,那么最好把你的钱花在修理它上,买一个在不久的将来不可避免会需要的新机器.
  • It requires repair after repair - 我们的弯炉维修技术人员将永远很乐意来修理您的炉. 但如果你知道他们的名字,他们就会经常离开, 节省你的钱,因为你的炉子没有像它应该的那样工作,并更换它.
  • Your utility bills are on the rise - 随着时间的推移,所有暖通空调设备的效率都会降低. 特别是在炉子使用结束时,它每个月都会开始花费你更多的钱. 所以,不要把更多的钱花在一个成本很高的设备上,而去更换一个尽可能高效的新设备.

There for You When You Need Us Most

没有什么比你的暖气在隆冬坏了更令人沮丧的了. 如果您的系统在最糟糕的时间停止工作,不要担心. Pyramid Heating & 当你最需要我们的时候,我们会在你身边, 这就是为什么我们24小时待命,随时准备修理你的加热器, 7 days a week. No matter the time of day or night, give us a call, 我们会及时赶到,满载货物的卡车随时准备挽救局面.

我们训练有素的技术人员熟悉所有品牌和型号的加热设备, 所以你可以放心,我们会在第一次就把工作做好.

Call (503) 783-8488 预约我们的弯炉维修专家. We look forward to serving you!

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We're Not Comfortable Until You Are

    "They go above and beyond"

    Thank you Pyramid for taking care of my family, 感谢你出色的工作, and for your outstanding communication and service!

    Rosie B.
    "Couldn't recommend them more."


    Matt H.


    Benjamin J.

    几天后安装的两名技术人员很专业, 效率很高,大约3个小时就完成了安装.

    Herbert M.
    "Please call them, you won't be disappointed."


    Dale V.

What Makes Us Your Best Choice?

  • Healthy Home Advocates
    We're not just here to change your equipment. We want the overall health of your home to THRIVE.
  • Available 24/7
  • Our Workmanship
  • Our Technicians
  • Financing Options
